When you join the QC Mentorship Program you are saying YES.
Yes to a partner willing to join you in your journey to master quality control in your lab.
Yes to a company that keeps up with current refinery changes that could affect you.
Yes to having the right tools and knowledge to help you succeed.
Yes to a partner willing to join you in your journey to master quality control in your lab.
Yes to a company that keeps up with current refinery changes that could affect you.
Yes to having the right tools and knowledge to help you succeed.

Custom crafted action plan and accountability check-ins

Online learning modules on SQC topics

Live consultations with the QC Doc and QC/PLUS Consultants

12 Month Program Includes:
- Initial Site QC Action Plan Meeting and Checklist
- Quarterly Action Plan Accountability Meetings
- Live Consultations with QC Doc Alex T. Lau
- Live Consultations with QC/PLUS Expert
- Recorded Training Webinars with Interactive Q&A
- 30% Membership Discount on Training Courses
Our Goal
Provide a product aligned with ASTM D6299. Make implementation, maintenance and surveillance of the SQC program a manageable task--even enjoyable--for all organizations, especially when resources are stretched thin. When coupled with the proper know-how, deliver solutions that enable the lab to drive business excellence and profitability.
What to expect during this 12-month Program

Drive profitability with improved accuracy and precision. Learn to better manage your QC Program, even with employees working remotely.

Improved understanding of ASTM D6299. Access to experts when help is needed.

Be better prepared for audits, including preparation for new EPA regulations set to begin Jan 1, 2021.

Maximize use of QC/PLUS. Get the most out of your resources.