All of Baytek’s solutions are optimized and architected to be CLOUD capable. We offer other architecture options but for customers who want the power of the CLOUD, Baytek is leading the way.
- Implementation Speed CLOUD Systems are deployed by Baytek in Hours as compared to traditional server deployment in weeks or months
- Reliability Geographic Redundancy and High Availability (HA) make CLOUD systems the most reliable
- Secure Private CLOUD with the industry’s best security protocols
- Cost-Effective CLOUD hosting provides significant ROI by utilizing economy of scale for the IT support of specialized systems while freeing up local IT to focus on managing the big picture
- Enterprise Interfaces Process Control, PHD, ERP, and more
- Instrument Interfaces Serial, PC-controlled, CDS
- Continuous Backups
- Near Perfect Up-Time
- Constant System Management
- Regular System Updates
- No Server Provisioning; No Hardware Costs; No IT Helpdesk Costs or Training for Specialized Applications
Baytek International’s leading web BLISS LIMS solution, QC/PLUS solution, and iPRO solution are now certified for cloud implementations.
Baytek has partnered with a world leader in cloud hosting to offer a completely secure, private, and geographically redundant cloud hosted LIMS solution. Leveraging the power of Baytek’s all web BLISS LIMS and our highly skilled Professional Services Team, Baytek is able to offer a totally managed, turn-key cloud hosted LIMS.
Baytek understands how important it is to our customers that their LIMS not be an “information island”, so a critical goal of our cloud solution architecture is to provide the same high degree of interface-ability in the cloud that our customers expect from traditional BLISS LIMS implementations. Baytek’s cloud BLISS offering provides for both the enterprise interfaces, such as PI, OPC, SAP, and more, as well as instrument interfaces to RS232 Serial Output Instruments and PC Controlled and CDS Instruments, like OpenLab EZChrom.
BLISS is so much more than just a simple cloud capable LIMS, BLISS is a leading web LIMS coupled with full interface capability hosted in a secure, robust, and low total cost cloud solution.
Fit for Purpose
Baytek International’s methodology is to provide Fit-for-Purpose Solutions. BLISS was no exception. We were careful not to just install our software on a cloud hosted server and call that a cloud LIMS; that approach in our opinion would not be “fit for purpose” or a true “solution”. We looked at the total needs and requirements of our LIMS customers and explored all the leading cloud hosting providers so that we could architect a true Fit-for-Purpose: Cloud Hosted LIMS for our Customers. Baytek will continue to offer traditional BLISS LIMS implementations on customer managed servers but for our customers who want the simplicity and robustness of a completely managed cloud solution, Baytek presents BLISS as the best cloud LIMS offering on the market.